Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Circus is coming to town

It's that time again, birthday planning. Connor will be 5 this year and after 2 weeks of trying to convince him he doesn't want a Dinosaur party, we have SUCCESS!!

I searched online for birthday party themes and came across a CIRCUS PARTY....Perfect! here are the invites that I made with some inspiration from Armelle. I've got tons of things to make and plan out but this is something I love doing.

Here is the invites we sent out:

 I used red, green, yellow and orange cardstock and created the tickets on Micro Word 07 . I cut them out in the shape of a ticket.
 On the back of the ticket is a chance to redeem for an extra prize. They have to blow the balloon up and submit the password that is written on the balloon.
The tiny wording says ( disclaimer: password may self- destruct..)

To top it off I put the balloon in a small bag and stapled a "tag" to it. The tag was hand stamps with


Wish me luck on the rest of the party planning. I will post picture of the party after we have it :-)

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